Project Erotic

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Archive for the tag “love”

Melting point

man-ray-photography-as-art-ingres-violinI am at the mercy of you… as you find your way into my body. Penetrating me with your intense vibration.  My surrender to you has the flavour and texture of laced honey. I am forever craving to be reached, held, moved, fed and touched in my deepest recesses.

I willingly relinquish all control to it… to you, as you speak in tongues you dismantle me.

I am with ears that never tire of your sumptuous sound. I bathe in you. Each lingering rhythmic note clings to my being. Volcanic and tidal you sweep across my landscape as I inhale you. Your snakelike movement around my body has me move hypnotically with you. to you.

You are a lover I never wish to part with . Yet time and time again I must.

I swallow and you ease down inside me. Finding that place nestled between being content and desirous. I lose myself again and again and still your taste remains in my mouth and stains my lips. It can be no other way.

Music melts all the separate parts of our bodies together.  ~Anais Nin

Music, my lover
My drug of choice

 Until the next time,

Naughty Nic x


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